My name is Chad Erickson. I own South Central Imports/SCI Performance in Minneapolis,Mn. South Central Imports/SCI has been a VW/Audi repair shop since it opened its doors in 1976. I purchased the shop in 1996 after working at a local VW dealer for 5 years. Prior to that I was at Minneapolis Technical college(where my father taught auto repair). Now you may say I had a unfair advantage by having my father as my instructor, but I know I had twice the work load my classmates did to make sure there was no favoritism.
My start in modifying Radio flyers and pedal cars came about two weeks after my son Jack was born(11 years ago). My first wagon was a built using some racing kart wheels, kart hubs and 5/8 threaded rod. Since then I have made several modified Radio flyers and a couple of hot rod strollers.
If you would like to reach us please use the form below
howdy, my name is alex g. I have a 1 year old niece and a nephew on the way, im a gear head just like you and i like your work on these radio flyer wagons your taken what used to be an american icon ”now chinese made:/” and makin it american all over again! awesome! i like the radio flyer wagon on your homepage with what looks like it has a 4 link suspension in the rear thats just bad ass i wish i was lil again after seein that but anyhow if possible i would want one exactly like that! i think itd be cool to have for my niece and nephew!
Thanks for the email. I will get a hold of the builder of the full suspension wagon and see if I can find some more pics.
I know what you mean about he Chinese made junk. Thing to remember is the current Radio flyers are made in China. I have been using some older US made wagons I bought on Craigslist for the past few builds but even they are mostly Chinese made nowadays.
I have a 1/2 doz pictures of my custom 32 roadster I would like to send you. Need a e-mal address to do so??
Please send the pic’s to
I would love to put your ’32 on the site.
p.s. Look for updates to the site soon.